






你所在位置: 首頁-新聞動態(tài)-常見問題超聲波清洗機工作頻率的重要性



Generally speaking, the frequency of ultrasonic cleaning equipment should be between 20KHz-80KHz. The frequency is low and the noise is high. The volume of the transducer is also large. Now let's talk about the importance of the working frequency of the ultrasonic cleaner.
When the working frequency is very low (within the range of human hearing), noise will be generated. When the frequency is lower than 20kHz, the working noise not only becomes very large, but also may exceed the limit of safe noise stipulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Care Act or other regulations.
In applications where high power is required to remove dirt without considering the surface damage of the workpiece, a lower cleaning frequency from 20kHz to 30kHz is usually selected. The cleaning frequency within this frequency range is often used to clean large, heavy parts or workpieces made of high-density materials. 20KHz magnetic transducer and 25KHz piezoelectric transducer.
High frequency is usually used to clean smaller and better parts or remove small particles. High frequency is also used in applications where the surface of the workpiece is not allowed to be damaged. Using high frequency can improve cleaning performance in several ways.
With the increase of frequency, the number of cavitation bubbles increases linearly, so that more and more intensive shock waves can be generated and they can enter into smaller gaps.
If the power remains unchanged, the cavitation bubble becomes smaller, and the released energy decreases accordingly, which effectively reduces the damage to the workpiece surface. Another advantage of high frequency is that it reduces the viscous boundary layer (Bernoulli effect), enabling ultrasound to detect small particles. This situation is similar to the small stones at the bottom of the stream when the water level in the stream drops.
That's all for the importance of the working frequency of the ultrasonic cleaner. If you have any questions, please visit our website fdcyxzx.com!
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